I’m Back, Changes & Gratitude

12 May

I’m Back!

I’m almost finished with the craziness. My fingertips are itching to type non-stop. I miss blogging and reading everyone’s blogs. I miss writing about the main characters in my novel, Stevie and Adam and their surrounding events. 

Outside of Writing Realm: I’ve almost completed earning my Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Designation.  I’ll be the Evaluations Toastmaster on May 19th at the District 52 Spring Conference in Glendale, CA; I’m wrapping up my final responsibilities as Club President at Toastmasters 4 Writers in Burbank CA,  and Division E Governor in Downtown LA, District 52.

Life is about change–expected and not expected. I am truly grateful for all the changes taking place in my life.  I agree with my fellow Toastmaster colleague, Ricky Powell–the Happiness Guy–about being grateful. Gratitude opens many doors; it takes the weight of stress off your shoulders and opens your heart. Ricky writes down three things he’s grateful for everyday. It’s a wonderful exercise. I also use the “Magic Rock” exercise as my anchor. I hold it in my hand and think about something that I’m really grateful for the day–every day. Tonight, I held the rock and gave thanks for ending of my Toastmasters responsibilities and my job. Then I gave thanks for the  new opportunities that await me.

My last day of work is on June 29th. I am no longer sad that my job is coming to an end. I’m focusing on getting a new job–a career–something that is challenging and fun. I’m also finishing up the first draft of my novel.  Rewrites are on the horizon.

I’m joining a writers group; or possibly a salon. I’ll keep writing, blogging and job hunting and enjoy the wonders of life.

What are you grateful for? What changes await you?

One Response to “I’m Back, Changes & Gratitude”

  1. Kirsten May 13, 2012 at 9:17 pm #

    It’s good to see you back!
    And you know what, those public speaking chops could come in handy when it comes time to promote your novel– you never know. 🙂 Congrats on the DTM designation. That’s really something to be proud of!
    I have a lot of things to be grateful for: my husband, my family, living in a safe country, and the chance to keep in touch with other writers, no matter where they might be in their writing journey. 😉
    I’m looking forward to seeing more from you!

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